SEASON: Hunting season for Mid Asian ibex can vary depending on the destination. The season in Kazakhstan starts as early as August 1st and runs through the end of December. Kyrgyz season for ibex starts by August 15 and ends by November 30. Although it is a debatable issue, most people consider November to be the best time to hunt Mid Asian ibex. Weather conditions may be a little harsh at this time of year but one can benefit from the ongoing rut, especially in the second half of November. Early season hunts can be more enjoyable due to the nicer temperatures and weather conditions. Therefore choosing the best time for an ibex hunt can be a compromise between having a comfortable and enjoyable hunt when the weather conditions are at its best during the early season and having better chance to observe more big trophies during late season when the rut is on.
AREA: China and Afghanistan being closed to trophy hunting, Mid Asian ibex can currently be hunted only in Kyrgyzstan and Kazakhstan. It is a well known fact that some of the biggest trophy entries for this race in the SCI book come from Kyrgyz Tien Shan making this country one of the best -if not the best- destinations in the world for the premium quality Mid Asian ibex hunts. On the other hand we have one special area in Kazakhstan that we can offer to hunters who are particular about the trophy size of their ibex. This area can produce big size ibex, mostly over the 50 inch mark. Every year a number of exceptional trophies are still collected here by trophy hunters that come from all over the world.
There are a number of different areas and camps to hunt Mid Asian ibex in Kyrgyzistan. Majority of them are located in the eastern part of the country, in Issyk Kul and Naryn regions where the country borders China. The special area in Kazakhistan for premium trophies is located right at the Kyrgyz border, 350 kilometers west of Almaty. But we also hunt another camp for Mid Asian ibex where the ibex hunt can also be combined with maral stag. This is a new area and the trophy quality is also good.
HOW TO GET THERE: Hunters are required to fly into Bishkek if they choose to hunt Mid Asian ibex in Kyrgyzistan. They will be met by our representative at the airport and be asssited for the rifle clearance at the customs. This is a 10-15 minute procedure in general. After all the formalities are done, hunters will be taken to the area which requires 6 to 12 hours of a car ride. About half of this ride is on asphalt road and the rest is on the dirt road.
For a Mid Asian ibex hunt in Kazakhstan hunters should fly into Almaty. Getting to camps from here usually take about 4-6 hours.
ACCOMMODATION: As a general rule, Kyrgyz use the base camp only for arrival – departure days and nights. Most of the time hunters stay in fly camps to hunt Mid Asian ibex. This gives them mobility to cover more ground and check more drainages. Kazak hunts for Mid Asian ibex are pretty much the same. Hunters must be prepared to stay in dome tents, small herder shacks or cabins or even in trailers at times.
WEATHER: The weather conditions on the Tien Shan in August and September are usually very pleasant. However one can expect sudden changes in weather at high elevations any time. Some shower may occur and snow storms are not very uncommon, especially in September and October. November is very unpredictible so one has to be prepared for all kinds of weather conditions. December will definitely be very cold. It is likely that there will be snow on the ground.
ALTITUDE: Tien Shan mountain range stretches for about 1,500 mi (2,500 km) in length and has numerous peaks that soar to over 7,000m in height. As a general rule argali live at higher elevations in this huge chunk of land but our ibex hunts take place at relatively moderate altitudes in general. Most hunting areas lie at the altitude of 9850 – 12470 feet (3000- 3800 mt)
DURATION of the HUNT: A ten day itinerary is adequate time for a Mid Asian ibex hunt although hunters usualy complete their hunts a few days earlier.
HUNTING METHOD: Sturdy and sure footed Kyrgyz/Kazakh horses, used extensively on these ibex hunts, provides a greater mobility to check and glass more areas. Most of the day time is spent on horseback or by glassing. Only the last stalk that will put the hunter within a shooting range is done on foot when a desired size ibex has been spotted